Today computers are used in all kinds of places. hospitals, business offices, dental offices, medical offices, industrial settings, schools, colleges, government buildings, prisons, banks, and much more. In many of these workplaces, the computers are manned by multiple users. Each of these users not only contaminates the keyboard with many microbes but also that user picks up germs left by others. Some of those pathogens can cause disease. and unfortunately often do spread colds and flus between workers. When microbial cultures were grown from the keyboard surfaces, they proved that keyboards were more contaminated than toilet seats.
Sickdays are lost work hours and can be costly. Preventing illness is the answer. Protecting against the spread of germs means disinfecting phones, desks, doorknobs, elevator buttons and other items that are touched by everyone. Computer keyboards are the biggest offenders when it comes to coming in contact with germs. They don’t have to be since modern technology has developed washable, waterproof keyboards that can even be put through a dishwasher that includes the final heat cycle. These keyboards are covered with a seamless, silicone shield. In the home setting, families can avoid sickness by putting the keyboard in the dishwasher. They can be sanitized with disinfectant wipes in between worker use also. Some added benefits to using these keyboards are quiet operation where noise should be avoided, backlighting, and cable length options. Spills or accidents will not damage these keyboards, but the greatest benefit to having a waterproof keyboard is the feeling of security that comes with avoiding disease-causing germs.
Amy Bauer R.D.H.
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